Nissan AMIEO DEI Annual Report FY2023


Guillaume Cartier Chairperson, Nissan AMIEO
Head - AMIEO DEI Steer Committee

As the automotive sector continues its dynamic transformation, our commitment to creating a cleaner, safer, and more inclusive world will remain at the forefront of everything we do.

This includes Ambition 2030, Nissan’s long-term vision to become a truly sustainable company, as well as our recently established business plan, The Arc, which sets our direction for the coming years and encompasses sustainability and inclusivity as two of its core components.

The business case is as compelling as the societal one. First and foremost, we believe in a world where everyone has a chance to thrive and shape their future. But for Nissan specifically, fostering a diverse workforce is the only way we can continue to meet the needs of our customers, partners and employees.

To build a strong DEI culture, we recognise the need for robust governance both internally and with our external stakeholders, and the need to hold ourselves accountable by measuring progress along the way.

The publication of our second DEI report is one way that we’re building accountability. It allows us to celebrate the many DEI successes of FY2023, like refreshing our regional talent acquisition policy to ensure we’re attracting and retaining the best talent, establishing formal Employee Resource Groups like our UK LGBTQ+ and India Women networks and highlighting the many fantastic colleagues too, enhancing their job satisfaction and ensuring they feel more valued, respected and engaged.

We are already starting to see this impact, as our FY2023 Global Employee Survey results highlighted a 3% increase in positive DEI sentiment vs FY2022, with employees referencing equal opportunities and our holistic approach to DEI practices as particular highlights.

We are a diverse region, and the more diverse we are, the broader the range of perspectives and ideas we can draw upon, helping us better understand the people we serve. As an executive team, in FY2023 we attended a DEI session to understand these nuances in detail, and how our diversity helps fuel the pioneering spirit we need to stay one step ahead of our competitors.

This is a process that takes time, dedication and passion. Our FY2024 plan therefore prioritises the development of initiatives and services that cater to the diverse needs of our employee and customer base, considering accessibility, cultural relevance and their ever-evolving preferences and demands. These include revising the internal and external expression of our DEI commitments, as well as equipping our management population with dedicated DEI training sessions and information to support them in their roles. Our partners, too, play a crucial role in meeting the diverse needs of our region’s customers. We will continue collaborating closely with them to promote DEI throughout our supply chain and build a more inclusive ecosystem for every individual, community and business we work with.

Our vision is of a world that is welcoming, respectful and safe for everyone - no matter who they are, where they live or what their background is. As a business and as a society, the best way we can deliver that future - and the core components of sustainability and inclusivity set out in The Arc - is by working together.